Eligibility-based administrations allow you to roster students that are not enrolled in a class. When you set the criteria, you are choosing student criteria.

After creating an eligibility-based administration, proctors can sign in to create their proctor group and give students their test code on test day. School admins can also pre-create proctor groups before testing.

  • If you pre-create proctor groups, the test cards contain the students' login credentials and the test code.
  • If you don't pre-create proctor groups, test cards contain student login credentials but not the test code. Students receive the test code from the proctor.

After Creating a Eligibility-Based Administration

  • A single proctor group is created for this administration, named Unassigned. Student sessions are not associated to a proctor/class-specific proctor group in advance of the student logging in to take this test.
  • Proctors are provided with the unassigned test code and proctor password. When the proctor logs into the proctor dashboard, they are prompted to create a proctor group.
  • An email is sent to the proctor a student test code and proctor password. The student test code also appears on the proctor dashboard. The proctor gives the student test code to the students to log in.

If the administration requires proctor approval, the proctor dashboard indicates that a student is trying to sign in to the test. The proctor can approve this action.

There is an option to Pre-create Eligibility Sessions in System > Client Settings. When you select this option, you can see the number of students eligible to take the test in the default proctor group. As students are pulled into other proctor groups, the default count proctor group decreases.


  1. Go to Test Management > Administrations.
  2. Select the Administer New button.
  3. Complete each configuration page.
  4. On the Students page, select Eligibility Criteria from the Select students by dropdown. All students who meet the criteria selected in the following settings are assigned to the administration.
    • Grade: Select the grade(s) that the students must be in to take the administration. Students without a set grade level in ADAM are not eligible.
    • Organizations: Select the organization(s) that the students must be enrolled in to take the administration.
    • Course: Select the course or courses the students must be in to take the administration.
    • Disable Proctor Approval: Select the checkbox to allow students to continue test sessions without proctor approval.
    • Estimation: The estimated number of students assigned to the administration appears as you select criteria. The estimated student count appears regardless of the Pre-create Eligibility Sessions setting in Client Settings.
  5. Select Next to continue to the Review page, then select Submit to create the administration.