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  1. Create Multiple Choice Items

    . Under Scoring Settings, enter a value in Max Points.  Select Save. Tiny link: … for general instruction on item creation. From the Editor tab, select Add Interaction, and then select Choice. Under Choices, enter
    ADAM SupportJan 18, 2024
  2. Create Hot Text Items

    Scoring Settings, enter a value in Max Points.  Select Save. Tiny link: … . Under Text, enter or paste in text.  Highlight a word or phrase, and then select Insert Hot Text to create target areas for students to select. Under Choices
    ADAM SupportJan 18, 2024
  3. Performance Levels and Score Ranges

    Scale Scores PRoPL reports on overall content area student performance using scale scores in grades K-8. Scales scores are used to report test scores and aid in score interpretation. Standardized scale scores allow for the comparison of a given score with scores of other students taking the test within the same grade
    PRoPLJan 17, 2024
  4. Train to Score

    Before you begin scoring, you must learn the scoring rules. Selected responses representing each of the possible score points are used in the training process. To train on the items you will be scoring, follow these steps: From the Educator Home page, select the grade or grade band that you want to train
    Arizona InformationJul 06, 2023
  5. Math Formula

    method from the Method drop down menu. There are various scoring methods available in math question types. Enter the correct response in the Value field … .png Figure 5: Setting a value. The entire equation entered into the LaTeX template area must be entered into the value area. Each scoring method has additional
    ADAM SupportMar 07, 2023
  6. Choice Matrix

    ) - The value entered here indicates marks that will be deducted from the student for an incorrect response. Minimum score if attempted - The value entered here … example. Create a question Enter a question in the Compose Question area. List the Choice Matrix stems and click on +Add for each new stem. Click
    ADAM SupportMar 09, 2023
  7. Label Image With Drag & Drop

    the question. Penalty point(s) - The value entered here indicates marks that will be deducted from the student for an incorrect response. Minimum score if attempted … . Create a question Enter the question stem into the Compose question area. In the Add image field, upload your chosen image, or paste the image URL
    ADAM SupportMar 06, 2023
  8. Gridded

    this will remove all scoring from the question. Penalty point(s): the value entered here will be deducted from the student's score for each incorrect response … if attempted: Whatever value is entered in here will be added to the student's score for attempting the question. AD_Gridded3.png Figure 3: Setting up default values
    ADAM SupportMar 03, 2023
  9. Multiple Choice

    will remove all scoring from the question. Penalty point(s) - The value entered here indicates marks that will be deducted from the student for an incorrect response. Minimum score if attempted - The value entered here indicates marks that will be awarded to the student for an attempt. Check answer button
    ADAM SupportMar 09, 2023
  10. Cloze Math with Image

    capabilities using math specific scoring methods. AD_ClozeMathImage1.png Figure 1: Cloze math with image question example. Create a question Enter … for the response container numbered with 1 will be handled in the Response 1 sub-menu. Within each sub-menu, select a scoring method, and enter the correct
    ADAM SupportMar 07, 2023