When editing accommodations for a student, one or more accommodations may require approval. If this is the case, the Save button will be labeled Request Approval and Save, and you'll be prompted to add any relevant comments. The approver will see a alert that accommodations need to be approved. 

See also Approve Accommodations.

SCreenshot showing Request Approval and Save button

To request approval:

  1. When adding an accommodation for a single student that requires approval, click Request Approval and Save.

  2. In the pop-up box. view the list of requests that require approval, enter any needed comments and click Create Request.
    request approval popup

  3. Once approved, the accommodation will be assigned to the student. If rejected, you'll get a notification, which will be indicated with a red dot on the Open Notifications (bell) icon in the navigation bar. You can click the icon to see notifications. 
    sample My Requests menu

  4. You can review your submissions in My Requests.

sample list of my requests

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