Use the General Settings page to define the client name, customer code, and other general settings. This page is only available to designated admin roles.

  1. Go to System > Client Settings.
  2. Click the General Settings tab.
  3. Enter the following settings:
    • Name: Enter the customer or program name.
    • Customer Code: A unique customer code is generated automatically based on the client name. This is required when for ordering paper test materials, etc. 
    • Help Link: Enter the URL for the Help system. The generic support pages are at; some customers may point to a customized version or portal  instead.
    • Custom Logout URL: Indicate where user should land upon logout. Recommended when integrating with LaunchPad SSO to redirect users away from the ADAM login page (to their district homepage, for example).
    • Restrict Identifiers for Role: Define the rules around building the identifiers for new users in ADAM. See also: Restrict Identifiers for Role.
    • Session Timeout (1-900) Minutes: Select a session timeout for ADAM users (this timeout does not apply to test sessions). The Custom option allows up to 900 minutes. A warning message will appear before a session times out, and users can click Continue to reset the timer. If users are active, the timer will reset automatically.
    • Family Login Portal: Do not use.
    • New Rescan: Always select for faster rescans.
  4. Click Submit.

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