In the Bank Edit window, you must set up three workflows for each bank: Form Workflow, Item Workflow, and Shared Stimulus Workflow. For instructional purposes, these steps refer to defining the Form Workflow of a bank. However, you can use these steps for all three.

Create a Status

  1. Navigate to Authoring > Banks.

  2. Select the Edit Bank icon. You can also select the entire Bank tile to open the Bank Edit window.

  3. Select the Form Workflow tab.

  4.  Select the Add New Status button.

    • Status Name: Enter a name for the status. The Status Name is used in the Form search and in the Form Status dropdown list.

      • Check the Initial box to indicate that this status is the default status for new forms being created. Only one status can be set to Initial in a workflow. The status that indicates the end of the workflow should be set to Final.

    • Status Visibility: Select all roles that can view forms with this Form Workflow status. 

      Before configuring Status Transitions, it is recommended that you first create all Form Workflow statuses.

  5. Select Save Changes.

  6. Repeat this process until you have added all the Form Workflow statuses needed for your process.

  7. Select Save. Do not forget to save the entire bank or your changes will be lost.

Add Status Transitions

Status Transitions let you control the sequence of Form Workflow statuses, as well as which user roles have permission to transition a status.

For example, the sample workflow below restricts forms in the 'Internal Form Review' status to only be moved into 'Form Creation' or 'Client Form Review' statuses, but never directly moved into 'Form Final' status.

You can set a Status Transition to allow an Admin role the ability to skip statuses in the workflow (such as Internal Form Review > Form Final).Form Creation > Internal Form Review > Client Form Review > Form Final

  1. In the Form Workflow tab, select anywhere in the Status tile to open it. You can also select and drag Status tiles to change their sequence.

  2. Select the Add Status Transition button.

  3. Define the Status Transition.

    1. Next Status: Set a rule to allow this form to move from its current status into a new status.

    2. Roles that can transition to it: Define what roles have authority to move the form to the next status.

  4. Repeat the process of adding Status Transitions to each status.

    For example, you could set up the Status Transitions to maintain the workflow for the Testing Role but allow the Generic Admin to skip part of the flow.

  5. Select Save Changes.

  6. After you have set all Status Transitions, select Save. Do not forget to save the entire bank or your changes will be lost.

Read Only Status

You can set up items and stimulus statuses to be read-only for some user roles. User roles entered in this area can view, but not edit. This option is located in Item Workflow and Stimulus Workflow.

Sample setup and image of Read Only tooltip

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