Performance levels, scale scores, raw and percent correct scores can be generated on the form level in the ‘Derived Scoring’ section of each form. The interface allows for setting up derived score outcomes with raw score and percent correct as the defaults. Users can add in scale score with available objective types for lookup table, item groups and calculated scores. Users can set up the various information on the Reporting Groups tab by adding the outcomes required for that form (ex. slope and intercept for percent correct.) A ‘Round Output’ option is also available for calculated objectives.
Set Up Reporting Groups
Users can enter performance level information with lookup tables and easily replicate across forms with the download/upload options.
Autogenerate Outcomes by Standard
Users can also auto-generate these outcomes by standards or metadata groups by clicking ‘Add Reporting Group’ and clicking the various options.

Set Up Item Level Domains by Item Group Category
Users can report on item level domains by item group category. Once added and saved the tool will automatically add the appropriate items to each new group. Users can then choose to report on raw score and/or precent correct.
Test/Validate Tab
Users can also the test scoring logic that has been created on the Test/Validate tab. Buttons for inputting ‘All 0’s', ‘Randomize’ and ‘Max’ will input scores for every item and will simulate the scoring. Once users click the score button the outcomes are generated from what was configured.

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