To add media to an item prompt, insert the cursor in the desired location and click the appropriate icon in the formatting toolbar. Images cannot be copy and pasted; the file must be uploaded. It will automatically appear as a file in the Resources area.
Supported File Types: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, WEBP
Size Limit for Video/Audio: 5 mb

How to Insert Audio
Position your cursor to where the audio player should be and click the Audio icon. Either paste in the URL of the clip or click the download icon to insert the file.

Choose from:

Authors can change the player on existing audio files by clicking on the file and selecting from the ‘Type’ dropdown.
Image Alt Text with Screen Reader Text
The Alternative Text area on images has a Screen Reader Text area and enlarged so more text can be viewable in the window. An option to copy exactly the Text-To-Speech content is included. This will automatically match the two fields and make the Screen Reader text un-editable. This image screen reader text will be read aloud when users have screen reader enabled at the PNP level.

Tiny Link: