Student user data includes a ‘Race Ethnicity Category’, derived by a student's race and ethnicity values, based on information from NCES Reporting Categories. It is not possible to edit this field, but it is updated, as applicable, when a student's race and ethnicity values are changed. The category label is displayed in ADAM for each user. Also, the code value is included in the User Export. The code value will also be used for aggregation on reports that show demographics in a future release. The prior ‘N/A’ value for Race was retired and is no longer a configurable or displayable option in ADAM. 

Code ValueLabelConditions
1US NonresidentNA 
2Race and Ethnicity unknownIf student has blank for all race and ethnicity values
3Hispanics of any raceIf student has hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = true
4American Indian or Alaska NativeIf student has americanIndianOrAlaskaNative = true, hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = false, and no other race values set to true
5AsianIf student has asian = true, hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = false, and no other race values set to true
6Black or African AmericanIf student has blackOrAfricanAmerican = true, hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = false, and no other race values set to true
7Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderIf student has nativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander = true, hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = false, and no other race values set to true
8WhiteIf student has white = true, hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = false, and no other race values set to true
9Two or more races{If student has demographicRaceTwoOrMoreRaces and hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity = false}, or {student has multiple race values set to true and hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity=false}

View Race Ethnicity Category for a Student

Navigate to Rostering > Users > User Config (Edit a Student) > View/Edit.

sample Race Ethnicity view and edit screens

Tiny Link: