Use the Test Assignment Search page to search for students who are assigned (or not assigned) to a test. You can export the search results to a CSV file. This page is available only if your role has permission to access it.
- Go to Operations > Test Assignments.
- Select the Test Information:
- Test Name: You must select one (and only one) test.
- Assignment: Select Assigned or Not Assigned.
- Select at least one Search Criteria:
- Student Grade: Select one or more grade levels.
- Student Course: Select a student course, such as Math 07.
- Optional: Select Report Filters:
- Click the Search button. Click Clear Search (on the top left) to remove all selected search criteria.
- To export the search results, click the checkbox in the table header, click Select All or Select Page, and then click the Export button on the top right. (Or select the checkbox for specific students to export just those students.)

Sample Test Assignment search filters and result.
Tiny Link: