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PearsonAccessnext  is the online test management system Massachusetts uses to administer MCAS. It is used to manage:

  • User accounts
  • Student registration
  • Test sessions

The PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide is generic to all states and programs that use PearsonAccessnext , and addresses all functionality in PearsonAccessnext. This MCAS Reference page outlines MCAS tasks and functions in PearsonAccessnext . MCAS has also created quick guides that address specific tasks, like managing users in PearsonAccessnext and loading a Student Registration Import. To find quick start guides, go to the MCAS support center, and click the PearsonAccessnext  and Technology Setup tabs.

As additional functionality develops, use the Link to this Page...(Tiny Link) to monitor MCAS updates.

Use these links to jump to specific sections on this page:

Accessing PearsonAccess Next 

To learn how to Sign In, see System Basics.

Using PearsonAccess Next 

Tasks listed on this page are in chronological order (may vary slightly). The timing of some tasks may overlap.

Some features are only available to some user accounts. Each user account has a user role(s) and permissions associated with it. These permissions control the data the user can view and actions the user can perform. If you do not see a specific feature, your account is not configured to access it.

To view the User Role Matrix for PearsonAccessnext , go to and select the PearsonAccessnext tab.

Getting Started

  1. Confirm that the computers you will use to monitor and manage testing meet the stated System Requirements for PearsonAccessnext  .
  2. Learn the System Basics.
  3. Learn how to Import and Export Data

Set Up Technology Configurations

To prepare TestNav configurations in PearsonAccessnext  for online testing, view the following online user guide pages:

  1. Configure Response File Backup Locations.
  2. Manage Proctor Caching.
  3. Create a configuration, as described in Configure TestNav for Proctor Caching

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education recommends using ProctorCache software to Precache Test Content in order to ensure all content is cached before the test starts. 

Set Up User Accounts

To setup users, view the following online user guide pages:

  1. Create a User Account.
  2. Manage Users.

Prepare for Testing

There are a variety of tasks related to preparing for testing. Some of these tasks are view-only for MCAS.

To prepare for testing, view the following online user guide pages:

  1. Create a Student Record.
  2. Manage Student Tests.
  3. Create a Session.

  4. Add a Student to a Session.
  5. Configure TestNav for Proctor Caching

Manage Testing

Perform these tasks while testing is in progress:

  1. Start a Session and Unlock Tests/Sessions.
  2. Retrieve Resources for an Online Test - Student Test Tickets to download and print.
  3. Move a Student Test Between Sessions.
  4. Monitor or Change Student Test Status.
  5. Remove a Student from a Session.

Additional Information

Changes to Student Information: Any changes to student data in PearsonAccessnext must also be made in Student Information Management System (SIMS). Contact your district SIMS coordinator to report any changes (go to, click Function, select SIMS Contact, and click Get Results).

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