Depending on your role permissions, In the Users section you may have access to: Filter the User List
In the users list you can use the following filters: Choose students, non-students or all Use the 'Type-ahead' lookup to search a user by name or IDA visual representation of the orgs in their hierarchal structure - Filter by one or more grades
- Filter by organization you have permission to view:
Expand any branch of the organization to select one or multiple organizations - Next to the Search field, use the Collapse All/Expand All toggle
- Type an organization name in the Search field
A dynamic org tree based on the viewing user's scope - district users will not see other districts, school users will not see orgs above their own, etc. The ability to select “only” the state org, or “only” , without having select orgs, using the new “+” actionThe ability to select specific orgs only by clicking the respective rowinstitutions - Use the plus icon to select only that org level and not users assigned to child institutions
- An “Expand All / Collapse All" button, that will expand or collapse all nodes of the hierarchy
Image Added
Image Removed
Actions Available for Selected Students
