Title | Description | Link |
Reporting at the Student Level | ||
VIEWING AND PRINTING STUDENT PROFILES | Access, view and print student profile. | |
STANDARDIZED TEST REPORTS | Learn how to view standardized test results at the district, school, class and student level. | |
STUDENT RESPONSE REPORT | Export a file of student answer choices for a selected student or section. | |
Classroom Level Reporting | ||
GETTING STARTED WITH CLASSROOM LEVEL REPORTING | View key data on the home page and understand what additional reporting options are available at the classroom level. | |
ASSESSMENT COMPARISON REPORT | Compare up to ten assessments on the Reporting Dashboard at the school or classroom level. | |
VIEW CLASS BY STUDENT ACROSS COLUMNS OF DATA | Learn about the reports available in the Student Reports tab, including the analysis spreadsheet and Student List. | |
VIEW CLASSROOM LEVEL STANDARDS PERFORMANCE OVER TIME | Understand the Standards Performance Dashboard. This document also covers the Standards Mastery Trends report. | |
CLASSROOM LEVEL STANDARDS MASTERY REPORT | Run and view the Standards Mastery report for benchmark or classroom test. | |
CLASSROOM LEVEL STANDARDS ANALYSIS REPORT | Learn about the skills analysis report. | |
CLASSROOM LEVEL ITEM ANALYSIS REPORT | Run the item analysis report. | |
CREATE AND VIEW STUDENT GROUPS | Create a group of students based on assessment results or other criteria. | |
VIEWING DATA FOR PAST YEAR STUDENTS | Learn how to view class sections from past years. | |
School and District Level Reporting | ||
SCHOOLNET QUICK START GUIDE FOR ADMINISTRATORS | View an overview of the mostly commonly used features in Schoolnet with details on how to learn more. | |
VIEW STUDENTS IN AN ANALYSIS SPREADSHEET | Run, view and create reports that list student names in a spreadsheet. | |
CREATING PRE-FORMATTED REPORT | Create the demographic overview and learn tips for other pre-formatted reports. | |
Resources for Report Publishers | ||
REPORT LIBRARY | Geared toward report managers, this document provides screenshots and descriptions of sample reports supported in Schoolnet. | |
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS | View a list of available Key Performance Indicators and understand how benchmark KPIs are calculated. | |
PUBLISHING REPORTS | As a report manager, learn to add reports to the school or district report bank. | |
EDITING AND DELETING PUBLISHED REPORTS | Modify reports in the report bank. | |
DEFINE AND SAVE A STUDENT SET | Learn to create and save a student set based on criteria you select. | |
KEY REPORTS | Learn to tag some published reports as key reports. |