Welcome to the Understand Scoring  Online User Guide

Understand Scoring is designed to teach you about the scoring process, train you to score specific items, give you an opportunity to practice, and then test your knowledge and qualify as a scorer.

The user guide was created for online use. For the best reading experience and the most up-to-date information, we recommend using the online version rather than printing.

Getting Started

If this is your first visit, we recommend that you start with the special information page for your program. The link to your program's page can be found on the login page for Understand Scoring.

NOTE: Change the sentence and link on the login page that currently reads "View the (link)Educator's User Guide(link) for a comprehensive overview of Perspective" to instead read "View (link)special information for [program_name](link) for a comprehensive overview of Understand Scoring."

Will include all important info worth keeping from old PDF that is not otherwise listed.

Table of Contents


Here is the plan for the ToC. Each entry here will be its own page. There are annotations below, under each heading.

This is the general idea:

For a demo, I will start with the AZ page, explain that it will be the starting place for most users, and then proceed through a typical use case.

Understand Scoring Online User Guide

Short introduction with links to other content.

Include Getting Started section with links to Create an Account, Edit Account Details, and System Basics.

Will include all important info worth keeping from old PDF that is not otherwise listed.

Create an Account

Link to this page from within the app for generic, app-specific, mechanics-of-use-based information.

Edit Account Details

Link to this page from within the app for generic, app-specific, mechanics-of-use-based

System Basics

An overview of the main features of Understand Scoring

Train to Score (better name? something more generic?)

Link to this page from within the app for generic, app-specific, mechanics-of-use-based

"Training Set" is customer-specific to AZ. Other customers will have different names.

No separation for different types of sets. Whether it is something like KPT or Writing Stage IV, the mechanics are very similar. Discuss possible variations clearly, with example, but be clear that the reader may see something slightly different.

Practice Scoring (better name? something more generic?)

Link to this page from within the app for generic, app-specific, mechanics-of-use-based

"Practice Set" is customer-specific to AZ. Other customers will have different names.

No separation for different types of sets. Whether it is something like KPT or Writing Stage IV, the mechanics are very similar. Discuss possible variations clearly, with example, but be clear that the reader may see something slightly different.

Qualify as a Scorer (better name? something more generic?)

Link to this page from within the app for generic, app-specific, mechanics-of-use-based

"Qualification Set" is customer-specific to AZ. Other customers will have different names.

No separation for different types of sets. Whether it is something like KPT or Writing Stage IV, the mechanics are very similar. Discuss possible variations clearly, with example, but be clear that the reader may see something slightly different.

AZ-specific stuff (page exists outside the hierarchy, needs better name)

Link to this page from:

To be used only for customer-specific information.

Will include:

Customer2-specific stuff (page exists outside the hierarchy, needs better name)

Same as AZ, but focused on this customer.

Customer3-specific stuff (page exists outside the hierarchy, needs better name)

Same as AZ, but focused on this customer.