Change Your Password

To change your password, follow these steps.

  1. After logging in, click the gear icon at the upper right to reveal the user menu.

  2. Select Change Password.
  3. Enter your current password and new password and click Submit.

Reset Your Password

If you have created a profile, but forgotten your password, you must reset your password

To reset your password, follow these steps.

  1. From the login page, click the Forgot Password button.
  2. Enter your email address and click Reset Password.

The system will send an email to the email address you provided in your profile. You must access to your email account to view this email and complete the reset.

What if I forget my email address?
If you forgot your email address you will not be able to log in. Pearson support is not able to tell you your email address. All profile and login information is secure and they do not have access to it. If you forgot your email address, talk to your school administration. 

What if I no longer have access to my old email account?
The system will send an email to the email address you provided on your profile screen. You will need access to your email account to view this email. If you cannot access this email account, you will not be able to retrieve your new password.