Errors are listed in numerical order. Error messages for future release are labeled with an asterisk (*). Not all numbers are used.

Screenshots are NOT provided, as the user interface may differ across operating systems.

Numbers designate specific errors, and number ranges indicate specific error types, as follows:


Errors are listed in numerical order. Error messages for future release are labeled with an asterisk (*). Not all numbers are used.

Screenshots are NOT provided, as the user interface may differ across operating systems.

Numbers designate specific errors, and number ranges indicate specific error types, as follows:

  • 1000s - Early Warning System errors
  • 2000s and 3000s - application errors
  • 4000s - not currently used
  • 5000s - authentication errors
  • 6000s - program state and related network communication errors.
  • 7000s - program navigation and related network communication errors
  • 8000s and 9000s - Pearson server communication errors
  • 10000s* and 11000s - scoring CAT server warnings and errors