Error codes below relate to TestNav Desktop auto updates:

Error NumberError MessageAdditional Info and Instruction
12001The update site URL is not correct. This shouldn't happen in production since it's not user configurable 
12002The URL to the config file on the update site is not correct.This shouldn't happen in production since it's not user configurable 
12003The config file is corrupted.This error is specific to being unable to decrypt the config file (either downloaded or on disk). They need to restart the app to start the update process again. 
12004The config file is corrupted.This error is specific to being unable to convert the decrypted config bytes into a string, usually due to encoding issues. They need to restart the app to start the update process again. 
12005The config file is corrupted.This error is specific to the actual format of the config file not matching what is expected.  They need to restart the app to start the update process again. 
12006The wrong config file was downloaded.This error happens when the major version of the launcher (1.4 for example) does not match the major version in the config file (1.5 for example).
12007The update files on disk are either missing or have been corrupted.This error happens when we are missing an update file or the MD5 checksum does not match what is expected. They need to restart the app to start the update process again. 
12008The app does not have the necessary permissions to read or write to the directory where it will store update files.This differs by platform, but is in the same root directory where we extract chromium. 
12009The app does not have the necessary permissions to delete from the directory where the update files are stored.This differs by platform, but is in the same root directory where we extract chromium 
12010There was an error downloading the update files.This error happens when we are able to download the config file, but there is an error downloading the specified update files (could be network issues, timeouts, etc) 
12011The app is unable to write to the location where we extract the update files.The extract happens to a new temporary location each time the app is run. 
12012There was an error attempting to extract the update files.This error will happen when there is some problem in the actual extract process after downloading the update files. 
12013TestNav was unable to start.This error happens if we have completed the update process, but TestNav does not start correctly for any reason. This will almost always be a classloader issue that we should catch before production. This could also happen when running on unsupported OS versions.