System Basics include tasks that educators can perform in the system. Some vary by role.


Create an Account and Log In

  1. Enter the system URL.
  2. Click Sign Up
  3. Enter the required details. 
  4. Click Create Account.

  5. On the Login page, enter your email and password, and click Log In.

Log Out

  1. Click the Settings icon to the right of your username. 
  2. Select Sign Out.

Reset Your Password

You can reset your password two ways.

Before you log in (for example, when you forget your password):

  1. From the login page, click Forgot Password.
  2. Enter your email address, and click Reset Password

    The system sends you an email with password reset instructions to follow.

After you log in:

  1. Click the Settings icon  to the right of your username.
  2. Select Change Password.
  3. Enter your current and new password, and click Submit.