You can use the Associate interaction to create drag and drop items.
See Author Test Items for general instruction on item creation.
- From the Editor tab, select Add Interaction, and then select Associate.
- Under Choices, enter answer choices.
- You can use formatting tools for answer choices, as well as include images and video.
- Enter a value in Max Match for each answer choice.
- Under Settings, enter a value for Min and Max Associations.
- Under Scoring Settings, enter a value for Max Points.
- Under Correct Response, drag and drop answer choices to set the correct associations.
Scoring Settings
When using Partial Scoring, enter a point value in the Points column for each answer choice.
Use the Association Order setting to control how students must answer to receive points.
- Exact Order (default): Answers must match the Correct Response.
- Any Order: Answers can be placed in any order as long as the correct associations are made.
- Enforce Pair Order: Answers can be placed in any order (up and down), but associations must match the Correct Response (left and right).

Sample Associate Item
Tiny link: