You can use the Basic Match interaction to create drag and drop items with drop bays.

See Author Test Items for general instruction on item creation.

  1. From the Editor tab, select Add Interaction, and then select Basic Match.
  2. Under Choices, enter details for Rows and Columns
    1. Rows: Enter answer choices that students will drag and drop.
    2. Columns: Enter labels for each drop bay where students will place the answer choices.
  3. Enter a value in Max Match for each answer choice and drop bay.
    1. Rows: The Max Match value indicates how many times that answer choice can be dragged into any drop bay. 
    2. Columns: The Max Match value indicates how many answer choices can be placed inside the drop bay.
  4. Under Scoring Settings, enter a value in Max Points.
  5. Under Correct Response, drag and drop the answer choices into the correct drop bay(s).
  6. Select Save.

Scoring Settings

Check Allow correct Choice in any Gap to award points when the correct answer choice or choices have been placed in a drop bay.

When using Partial Scoring, enter a point value in the Points column for each answer choice. 

Sample Basic Match Item

Sample Basic Match Item

Tiny Link: