Once a published test is available in ADAM the next step is to create an administration – this is what schedules a test for students. You will have one administration per assessment. The test-taker must exist as a user in ADAM with a student role*. Some tests have pre-defined access values that cannot be changed.

Eligibility-based administrations allow ADAM users with a student role to be rostered with or without being enrolled in a class. When you set the criteria, you are choosing student criteria. After creating an eligibility administration, proctors can simply sign in to create their proctor group on the fly and give students their test code on the day of testing. School admins can also pre-create proctor groups before testing if they wish to. If you pre-create proctor groups, the Test Cards will contain the students' login credentials and the test code. If you don't pre-create proctor groups, Test Cards will contain student login credentials but not the test code. Students will receive the test code from the proctor.

The criteria for finding the eligible student can be based on (and should be added in this order):

  • Organization: The organization can be at any organization level (based on your authority). Students are required to be associated with a school, schools with a district, districts with a state, and state with national.
  • Course: Optionally narrow by course enrollment, such as Algebra I.
  • Grade: Select the grade(s) that the students must be in to take the administration. Students without a set grade level in ADAM are not eligible.
  • Test  Assignment Tags: Can be used when courses are not loaded or the assignments are not strictly course or grade-based. See also: Test Assignment Tags.

*The exception is when Add Temporary Students is enabled; see Create and Merge Temporary Students

Create a New Administration

  1. Go to Test Management > Administrations.
  2. Click Administer New.
  3. In the Test Select screen:
    Test: Select the test you want to administer.
    Administration Name: Enter a name for the administration. This can be a repeat of the test name and will appear on the Administration Card.
    Administration Type: if this field is visible, select 'Operational' unless directed otherwise. 'Validation' is used for system testing and results will be excluded from reporting.
    Details: Enter any additional notes. 

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Access screen:
    Secure Access: Select Kiosk Only if the administration requires students to use the secure browser.
    Show All Rubric Content: If this field is available, select the checkbox to display the rubric to the student.
    Org: Select an organization to limit the administration to a specific organizational level.
    Access Window: Select the time zone, start/end dates, and (optionally) the day start/end times for the administration.

  6. Click Next.

  7. In Data/Accessibility
    Select ASelect Disable Autosubmit if applicable.

  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Select Students By menu, choose 'Eligibility Criteria.'
  10. Start with the first criteria: always select Organization first and then click +

  11. Click the blue Organizations button

  12. Highlight the  top level organization(s) of the students. They are selected when a darker gray.

  13. Click Close.
  14. Now add a new New Criteria Group.
  15. Make this an 'AND' filter, select 'Courses' and click the + button.
  16. Click the Courses button.
  17. Select the course(s) to include. If selecting across schools with different courses codes, be sure to get all variations (e.g., Algebra II and Algebra 2).
  18. Click Close.
  19. Now add another New Criteria Group.
  20. Select AND and Grades.
  21. Add relevant grade(s).
  22. Click Estimate Count to check total.
  23. Save Template if will use this criteria again.
  24. Optionally, select 'Disable Proctor Approval' to allow students to continue test sessions without proctor approval.
  25. Click Next.
  26. Verify the selected options, and then click Submit. The administration card appears on the Test Management > Administrations page. Do not be alarmed if the initial student count is zero; it will populate with the next automated rescan. See also: View Administration Card

Next Steps

See also: Create and Manage Proctor Groups

A single proctor group is created for this administration. It is named "unassigned." Student sessions are not linked to a proctor/class specific proctor group in advance of the student logging in to take this administration. Proctors are provided with the "unassigned" test code and proctor password. This test code and proctor password are used only by the proctor to create a proctor group for their test session. When the proctor logs into the Proctor Dashboard, they are asked to create a proctor group. Once that short form is complete:

  1. An email is sent to the proctor containing information about their proctor group (student test code and proctor password).
  2. The proctor dashboard opens.
  3. The student test code is displayed on the proctor dashboard.
  4. The proctor gives the student test code to the students as part of the student log in process (the test code is not included on the student test cards). 

As the students sign in to the administration, they are added into the proctor group and displayed in the proctor dashboard. Proctor groups are not displayed in ADAM until the first student logs in to take the test. Until then, the proctor is the only person seeing the proctor group.

Note: If the administration requires Proctor Approval, the proctor will be notified through the proctor dashboard that a student is trying to log into the test. The proctor needs to approve this action.

Tiny link: https://support.assessment.pearson.com/x/7gAgBg