Students are able to draw points, lines, circles, and other shapes over a coordinate plane using the new geometry interaction. Creators can add a prompt and change the background image. Students can choose from the various tools as well as undo and redo. 

The interaction can be set up to:

  • Provide students a gridded palette area next to a scored math item they can use to figure out an answer.
  • If set up to be manually scored, the student's drawing can be scored to an aligned standard or multiple traits. See also: Set Up Manual Scoring.

See Author Test Items for general instruction on item creation. 

To create a Geometry interaction:

  1. Start creating a new item.
  2. Click Add Interaction.
  3. Click Geometry.
  4. Enter a prompt. 
  5. Optionally, you can replace the numbered grid with another image:
    1. Under Choose image, click Browse.
    2. Select an image that will make up the right side of the interaction. 
    3. Click Open
  6. Indicate the maximum number of points.
  7. In the Properties and Scoring tabs, enter additional details as applicable.
  8. Preview the item.
  9. Click Save.

Sample Geometry Item

Sample Geometry Item

Tiny Link: