The number line interaction allows students to add up to two plots on a line for auto-scoring.
See Author Test Items for general instruction on item creation.
To create a Number Line interaction:
- Start creating a new item.
- Click Add Interaction.
- Click Number Line.
- Enter a prompt. Consider including instructions for the students to pick a symbol and then plot in the correct location. Partial scoring is not supported, but you can create a prompt which requires either one or two plots.
- For Min and Max, enter where the number line should start and end.
- For Tick Distance, enter the increment between labeled numbers. As a best practice, do not go smaller than .25.
- Enter the maximum points to be awarded.
- Under Correct Response, click the appropriate symbol and then plot the correct answer on the number line. Repeat if a second plot is required.

Sample Number Line Item: Min = -8, Max = 8 and Tick Distance = 1.
What do the white vs. black dots mean? White is less than or greater than, and black is less than or equal to or greater than or equal to. White exclusive/Black inclusive is another way to phrase this.
Tiny Link: