The Rejected Tests page lists scanned paper tests that could not be automatically matched to a student test session in ADAM. Click a rejected test to manually assign it to the correct student. Note that ADAM will first attempt to identify the student based on session information, organization, student demographic information, etc. Only the tests that require manual matching are listed on this page. After assigning the correct student, the test will be scored and appear on the Resolved tab. All Rejected Tests records are returned in one data grid and the Progress column shows status with colored pills for easy identification. Search returns results across all Progress states, with a multi-select filter to aid in reviewing records. The info icon is listed in first column next to the batch and the hover includes information like date scanned, barcode, form and session id. Any records in error also include a hover with additional information on the issue.
The Rejected Tests page is available only if you have the appropriate role permissions and your program uses paper tests.
- Go to Operations > Rejected Tests.
- You can search for a test by:
- Student – Enter a student's first and/or last name or the student's Session ID or External ID. Partial names may be used.
- Test – Enter a Test name or form code.
- Org – Select an organization.
- Click a rejected test to open the Rejected Test Assignment popup.
- Search for and select the appropriate student, and then click the Assign to Student button to assign the test to the selected student.

Sample Rejected Test screen with Additional Info popup.
Tiny Link: