To create a tabbed (paired )passage, first create each passage (or other content) as shared stimulus. Any changes to the content need to be done in the stimulus and will automatically updated in the tabbed passage. As a best practice for items with paired passages, set up the pieces in this order: stimuli, tabbed passage, items.
See also: Shared Passages and Other Stimulus
To pair together multiple passages:
- Go to Authoring > Items.
- Click Create New.
- Click Add Interaction.
- Click Tabbed Passage.
- Click Add Tabbed Passage.
- Filter or preview as needed to locate the first passage and click the plus icon in the Actions column.

- Optionally edit the Passage Name.
- Click Add Tabbed Passage to add the next passage.

Sample Tabbed Passage with Passage Name changed to Tab 1 and Tab 2.
Tiny Link: