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PearsonAccessnext provides assessment management for both paper and online testing.

TestNav delivers online test items securely and reliably.

ADAM provides item authoring, and assessment administration, scoring, and reporting features.

Pearson Access is our next generation assessment management system for both paper and online testing.

Pearson Review of Progress & Learning (PRoPL) interim assessments track students' within-year growth.  

Family Portal provides information and resources that parents/guardians need to support the learning journey of their student(s).

Understand Scoring

Understand Scoring is an online training system for scoring assessment items. 

 Digital Item Library

The Digital Item Library provides access to thousands of released items. 

LaunchPad provides rostering and authentication for customers on participating Pearson CORE technology platforms. 

Copyright © 2023, Pearson Education, Inc. 
Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Inc. Macintosh and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. TestNav™ is a trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. 

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