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Before you begin scoring, you must learn the scoring rules. To teach these, you will train using a set of carefully selected responses that represent each of the possible score points.

To train on the items you will be scoring, follow these steps.

  1. From the main application page, select the grade you will be scoring, as described in System Basics.
  2. From the page for the grade, select the tab that corresponds to training. Because the application is configured specifically for each customer, what you seen in the application may be different than those in this screenshot.

    titleClick here to view a screenshot...

    Include Page

  3. Select a question from the list of questions provided

Link to this page from within the app for generic, app-specific, mechanics-of-use-based

"Training Set" is customer-specific to AZ. Other customers will have different names, hence the more descriptive page title rather than a proper noun from the UI as the title.


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