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Welcome to the Arizona Information Space

This space contains resources for Pearson assessment products in use by the Arizona Department of Education.

Products in Use

Related Information

Understand Scoring is the online training platform developed for the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) for Stages II-V Writing  and for the Kindergarten Placement Test.

The Kindergarten Placement Test qualification is distinct from AZELLA Placement Test Stage II-V Writing qualification. It is not required nor expected that the same person/s would need to be qualified for both functions.

Table of Contents

Accessing Understand Scoring

To access the application, use this URL:

Remember to always log out when you are done with AZELLA Training. When you log out, no further information is stored in your profile. When you log out, other people using the computer after you cannot access your profile and cannot affect your practice scoring progress or scores.

Using Understand Scoring

To use Understand Scoring, perform these tasks.

AZELLA Policies and Criteria for Qualification with Understand Scoring

To qualify, you must perform to these levels.

  • Kindergarten Placement Test - There are 38 items total items for KPT. Two-point items must have an exact match to be considered correct. For item 38 (score 0-3) an adjacent score is also considered correct.
  • Stages II-V Writing - There are 20 items total in each practice set and qualification set. Each answer should be an exact match. However, up to six (6) answers with an adjacent score will also be considered correct.

You MUST successfully complete at least one Qualification Set in order to receive a Test Administrator Qualification Number (KPT) or Qualified Writing Scorer Code (AZELLA Placement Stages II-V Writing). You will receive a different Qualified Writing Scorer Code for each Stage Writing Qualification Set which you pass, which will be printed on your certificate and listed in the table described in Review Scoring Progress in the Cert.ID column.

If you do not successfully complete at least one Qualification Set, you will not receive a number. Contact your AZELLA District Test Coordinator for further instructions.


Arizona Department of Education site:


