Once user accounts are in LaunchPad, either via a sync to your SIS or added manually, you will need to communicate signin information to the new users unless they are authenticating to LaunchPad via a single sign on portal such as Clever or Classlink. Wait at least one day from when the user appears in LaunchPad before sending welcome emails as the user records must sync to the applicable assessment platform (e.g., ADAM, Navvy) before the user can successfully access the app. You can send to one or multiple users; both methods are described below. The email received by the user provides their username, and provides a link to set their account password. The “Set Password” link is active for 5 days, after which time a new welcome email must be sent. Once the user has successfully set a password, they can log into LaunchPad through this URL: To send emails to multiple users who will sign in directly to LaunchPad:
To send a welcome email to a single user:
Configuration Options for the Welcome EmailSite administrators have an optional settings allow customizations to the Welcome Email sent to first-time LaunchPad users. The Welcome Email includes a link to the customer's LaunchPad site URL, for usability purposes. These settings are available in Account Settings > Sign In Settings.
Tiny Link: https://support.assessment.pearson.com/x/YABzCQ