To set up installable TestNav, complete the following:


  1. Download the app from the applicable store, and install TestNav using the instructions below. 
  2. Review instructions for launching TestNav when you are ready for your testing session.
  3. Run SystemCheck on each device.
  4. Review the Find Response File Backups section below for each type of device in your testing environment. You should understand how to find saved response files (SRF) and log files before the testing session. 
    On Android devices, Chromebooks, and iPads, the SRF default primary save location varies by operating system and is NOT customizable. 
  5. Communicate SRF and log file locations and download information to test proctors.
    Depending on your device (see save instructions), make sure that you or the test proctor has a thumb drive readily accessible.
  6. If you are using ProctorCache, download it and install it on your designated proctor caching computer(s).
  7. Run an infrastructure trial using a practice test. 
    Pearson strongly recommends running an infrastructure trial BEFORE the actual test day to verify the technology setup is complete and to familiarize teachers and students with the test. 
  8. During BOTH the infrastructure trial and the actual test, note which specific Android device, Chromebook, or iPad each student uses during each test. These devices have only one primary SRF location. If an error occurs, you can locate files only on that specific device.