After you download TestNav and ProctorCache, complete the following:

These ordered steps correspond to sections below or a related setup page. You can click each link to go directly to the corresponding processes.

  1. Install TestNav using the instructions below.
  2. Run App Check on each device.
  3. Sign in to TestNav to verify that the app opens and that you can start a test.
  4. Set Up ProctorCache on your proctor caching computer(s).
  5. Review the Find and Set Up Response File Backups section to prepare yourself to find saved response files (SRF) and log files before the testing session. 
  6. Communicate SRF and log file locations and download information to test proctors.
  7. Run an infrastructure trial.

During BOTH the infrastructure trial and the actual test, note which specific iPad each student uses during each test. The TestNav app saves SRFs to only one designated place on the testing device. If an error occurs, you can locate files only on that specific device.

Install TestNav

 When the TestNav app update becomes available,

  1. Delete the TestNav app and any previously established TestNav restrictions from iPads. Search for the Assessments Overview in Apple Education for details.
  2. Download TestNav for iPads

Do not connect iPads to computers during testing.

Sign In to TestNav

For information on Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) and Single App Mode, see TestNav 8 - Upcoming Changes to Testing on iOS.

When you are ready to start a test:

  1. Start the TestNav app.
    The first time TestNav is launched, it displays the Enable Microphone Permission message.

    1. Tap or click OK to grant microphone permission.

      1. If the student taps or clicks Don't Allow, TestNav displays another prompt, shown below:

      2. Tap or click Open Settings to enable the microphone.

  2. Tap or click the appropriate icon for your test on the home page. If your test was selected before the test session, you see the Sign In page, rather than the home page.

    1. If you need to select a different test, tap or click the user drop-down menu at the upper-right, and Choose a different customer.

    2. Tap or click the appropriate icon for your test.

  3. Start a test to ensure that you can do so without error. 

      1. Enter a username and password, and tap or click Sign In.
      2. On the Confirm App Self Lock message, click or tap Yes to continue testing.

Students that click or tap no, cannot continue testing in the secure test.

Find and Set Up Response File Backups

Primary Save Location

On iPads, the SRF default primary save location is not customizable. 

You can find SRF and log files two ways on iPads - using Safari or a USB cable.
  1. Open Safari and enter the url: testnav://admin
    Note that the first time you access this, a dialog asks if you want to open in TestNav. Tap Open to open TestNav.
  2. Click View Logs or View Student Responses.
  3. From this screen, you can view and email SRF and log files.
  4. Click the Home button when finished.
  1. Connect the iPad to the computer using a USB cable.
  2. Start iTunes, version 9.1 or later.
  3. Click iPad from the listed devices in the iTunes window.
  4. Click the Apps tab and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. 
  5. View the list of apps currently installed on the iPad under File Sharing.
  6. Select the TestNav App. A list of TestNav log files displays under TestNav Documents.
  7. Select and open the SRF or log file you want to view.