This page explains what is available, how to download the Individual Student Report and access guardian resources. Once signed in and on the Assessment List landing page, click anywhere on the assessment title card to bring up a breakdown of every student test attempt the student has taken for that assessment. (Some assessments may not have multiple attempts.)
Some students may have a cards for additional assessments.

On the Assessment Detail Page, view for each test: test name, test description, student test score, student. performance level and student performance level descriptor, download icon for for the Individual Student Report,
Click Guardian Resources to view a reporting guide.

Download Individual Student Reports (ISR)
If available, click the download icon on an assessment card to open a new window displaying the student ISR. You can view on screen, download and/or print the ISR..
Note: If the window does not open, check for pop-up blockers.

The red arrow indicates the Download icon for exporting the report.
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