This list includes all available accommodations and accessibility features available to enable in ADAM Client Settings for assigning to students in their Personal Needs Profile. Your setup will likely enable a much smaller set. Typically, if an accessibility feature is turned on both at the form level and as an accommodation for the student, it will default for the students with the accommodation (such as a color contrast setting), and be available for other students to select if needed. 

See also: Student Test Tools in ADAM Player, TestNav Accessibility Tools and PNP Profile, TestNav Expected Behaviors

Text to Speech Accommodation Options



Definition and Notes 

Definition and Notes 

Available for TestNav?

Available for AD Authoring/ Player?

Text to Speech


Test content is read aloud to student through the computer-based platform. 

This accommodation is not intended to support students who are blind or visually impaired.

Dynamic TTS (D-TTS) provides TTS through student operating systems (OSS), but the tool functionality is the same. 

Y: Dynamic TTS or embedded (depending on availability in the form)

Y: Dynamic TTS only

Text to Speech plus Graphics


TTS accommodation plus textual representation of graphics enabled. 

This accommodation is not intended to support students who are blind or visually impaired. Graphics in items must be tagged with Alt text to support Dynamic TTS.

Y: Dynamic TTS or embedded

Y: Dynamic TTS only

Form Based Accommodation Options

For tests with multiple forms, some accommodations are associated with specific online forms. Common examples include Spanish, text-to-speech, braille, large print, paper and closed captioning. Accommodation assignments also impact what printed support material is needed, such as scripts for human reader. Because each student can only receive one online test form, there is a hierarchy to determine which for a student will get if multiple form-based accommodations are granted. Do not assign competing accommodations,  such as human reader and text-to speech. See also: Accommodations Form Hierarchy

For students to receive the correct online or paper test (if ordering from Pearson), they must be tagged with the appropriate accommodations for the accommodations profile linked to the test and the test must have the corresponding form available. Contact your Pearson Delivery Team for details on tests created for TestNav use.

Forms area of test creation page

 Sample list of forms for a test.

Accommodation, Definition and Notes

(Default names - may have alternate label.)

Accommodation, Definition and Notes

(Default names - may have alternate label.)

Available for TestNav?

Available for AD Authoring/ Player?


Braille assessment delivery.



Braille plus Tactile Graphics

Student needs a set of hard copy braille test booklets with embedded tactile graphics.



Closed Captioning

Closed captioning and subtitling provides additional or interpretive information on videos.

Select language:

  • English
  • Spanish




Used to assign the translated form administered for testing. For Spanish only, the TestNav navigation text is translated as well.

Select language:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • Korean
  • Maay
  • Nepali
  • Russian
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu


Spanish item content and TTS supported.

Large Print

Student responds in large print test booklet and responses are transcribed.



Non Screen Reader

Also known as Human Reader or Read Aloud. The test is read aloud or signed to the student by the test administrator.

For TestNav delivery, the Proctor Dashboard provides a link for the administrator to view each item.

For ADAM Player delivery, when Read Aloud is activated, the link for the proctor is in the Actions menu for applicable students. Proctors can open and read a test to students. Neither the proctor responses nor their session information will be saved when this is turned on, only the student's session.



Student requires paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation.

Enable the 'Paper with Language' option instead if both English and Spanish paper versions are available.



Screen Reader

Blind or visually impaired students can use a screen reader to read test content (and TestNav user interface elements) either thorough audio output or on a braille display. NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver screen readers are supported for use with TestNav. While other screen readers might work with TestNav, Pearson tests and confirms only these listed. To use NVDA or JAWS screen readers with secure tests (running in kiosk mode), an administrator for your program must add specific executable files to the allowlist within your assessment management system. See your Pearson program team for details.

For non-secure tests, screen readers are not restricted, and PNP settings do not have any impact.

When Screen Reader is activated, the textGraphics option reads the screen reader alt text attached to any image.



Sign Language

Choose ASL or Signed English. Students can view a video with a person translating the item text to ASL.


Pearson Accommodation Options



Definition and Notes (Default names - may have alternate label.)

Available for TestNav?

Available for AD Authoring/ Player?

Add time

If the test is timed, granting this accommodation will automatically increase this time for the student by their assigned value:

  • Double time
  • Time and half
  • Triple Time



Answer masking disable

Will turn off answer masking for assigned students even if granted at the form level.



Answer masking

Students see a mask covering multiple-choice distractors, with the option to click to expose each individually. They can turn answer masking on and off over each distractor or turn answer masking on or off on the entire question.

If enabled for student as an accommodation, answer choices for multiple-choice items are covered when the item is first presented. The student has the ability to remove the masks at a time of their choosing.

If turned on at the form level, students can select it from the User drop-down menu. 



Color contrast

While all students can opt in to use, students with the accommodation will see assigned color combo by default. 

The interface launches with the color combination pre-selected alternate color combination for the text (foreground) and background colors.

For students needing this accommodation only select one  color option (Background/Font Color). Students assigned a default can navigate to other color combos.

Colors are:

  • Black/Blue
  • Black/Cream
  • Black/Magenta
  • Gray/Green
  • White/Black
  • Yellow/Blue

Depending on the item type, the color-contrast setting may display a box or an outline around an item, but not fill it with the selected color. These items include:

  • Fraction model
  • Bar graphs
  • Exhibits
  • Some images




For TestNav, choose from:

  • Merriam-Webster Elementary
  • Merriam-Webster High School
  • Merriam-Webster Intermediate
  • Merriam-Webster Spanish

In ADAM Player, the tester can select a single word and have a dictionary entry appear to help with understanding. See also: ADAM Player Dictionary

sample dictionary popup on test item



Dynamic Text-to-Speech


*Do not enable.

For both ADAM Player and TestNav, as a best practice to avoid confusion, use the 'Text to Speech' accommodation (first in accommodation list) instead of this one as that accommodation will enable dynamic TTS if a form on which 'built in' TTS is not available.

Dynamic TTS renders a TTS tool on the student's test. 



Enable extensions

Student’s online test will start with the ability to select Co-Writer or Read&Write software embedded within TestNav. Tools for these software options (Speech to text, Text to Speech, Word Prediction) will be available for use dependent on the student choice selection when logging in.




Illustration glossary

Pop up glossary tool that has illustrations in it (content dependent).




In TestNav, the magnifier does not persist; students should open the magnifier on each item, as needed. Students cannot click through the magnifier to answer an item.  They can also move it using the zoom feature by pressing CTRL (or Command) +/-.


  • 100
  • 110
  • 120
  • 150
  • 175
  • 200


N, but student can use browser buttons (command +/-)

Masking Tool

Students provided the option to use the Line Reader Mask see the option in the User drop-down menu. The Line Reader Mask helps the student to focus on specific parts of the item. The student can select and drag both handles to whatever size they need to show and hide as much as the item they want to focus on, like a word, phrase, or any portion. They can also select and drag the move icon to move the window around in the mask. 

They can change this as much as they like as they work through their test questions. To close the Line Reader Mask, the student can go back to the user dropdown and select Hide Line Reader Mask



Mouse Pointer

Alternate view of mouse pointer.

Permitted values are:

  • Medium White
  • Large White
  • Large Black
  • Large Green
  • Large Yellow
  • Large Red
  • Extra Large White
  • Extra Large Black
  • Extra Large Green
  • Extra Large Yellow
  • Extra Large Red



Online Calculator


Choose from: 

  • Desmos Four Function
  • Desmos Graphing
  • Desmos Scientific
  • Five Function
  • Four Function
  • Scientific
  • TI-108 Basic
  • TI-30 Scientific
  • TI-84 Graphing



Pop Up Glossary/Keyword Translations

Choose from: 

  • Arabic
  • Burmese
  • Cantonese
  • English
  • Filipino
  • Haiti
  • Hmong
  • Iloko
  • Karen
  • Khmer
  • Korean
  • Lao
  • Mandarin
  • Oromo
  • Punjabi
  • Russian
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese



(Note: At the item level, a pop glossary can be enabled for all students.)

Readable Mode

Students provided the option for Readable Mode can see a two-column item in a single, scrollable pane to increase their ability to concentrate on item content.



Read passage skip overwrite

Enable when student should not hear passages read loud. Items can be configured to allow for exceptions for parts of text that should be read (for example, instructional text). 



Support tool


Use to assign the form administered for computer-based testing when an assistive technology application is needed that requires security pass through to interact with TestNav.



Spell Checker

Allows students to check their spelling in extended response items using the rich text editor.

For TestNav, students can turn on the spell check when answering an item that requires a textual, extended response. When spell check is on, a squiggly red line appears underneath misspelled words, and students see word suggestions for misspelled words. Spell check does not check words that are all in caps (HELLO) or words that are inverse camel cased (CaMeL). It does check regular camel case (cAmEl). Spell check uses the Hunspell dictionary and requires an Internet connection to compare the typed words with the dictionary on Pearson servers. 
If there is no Internet connection, spell check does not check the words.



(Note: At the item level, spell check can be enabled for all students.)

Local Accommodation Options

Local accommodations are provided at the testing location, not by the test delivery platform. The exact implementation and functionality can be whatever is defined by local accommodation specifications - these act as information tags on what should be delivered for the student. They could be used to alert the proctor to allow or give a manual tool to a student, or to drive specific forms based on the accommodation. 



100 number table

Student allowed the use of a 100 number table.


Student allowed the use of an abacus.

Alternate response options

As defined locally.


Amplification provided for the student.

Braille notetaker

For a student who is blind or visually impaired, responses are captured by a Braille Note-taker.

Braille writer

For a student who is blind or visually impaired, responses are captured by a Braille Writer.

Breaks: Securely Extend Session Over Multiple Days

As defined locally.

Calculation device (on calculator parts)

On calculator parts, the student is allowed to use a specialized calculator as an accommodation of the test with an embedded platform provided calculator.

Color Overlay

Color overlay provided for the student.

Constructed response speech-to-text

The student's responses to constructed response items are captured by an external Speech to Text device.

Cued Speech

Cued speech provided to the student.

Double Time

For tests without a configured hard stop, allow the student to have additional time.

Extended Time

For tests without a configured hard stop, allow the student to have additional time.

Handheld Calculator

Allow the student to use a handheld calculator.

Home Administration

Student will test at home.

Human Signer

For tests that do not have a specific Human Signer accommodated form, indicates this student required a signer for the test or test directions.

Medical device

Student will make use of a medical device during testing.

Monitor test response

The test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors proper placement of student responses on a test booklet/answer document or within a computer-based test. The test examiner or assigned accommodator cannot assist the student with changing a response.

Multiplication Table

Student allowed the use of a multiplication table.

Noise Buffer

Provide the student a noise buffer.

Paper with Language

Choose from:

  • English
  • Spanish

Use this accommodation when there is both a Spanish and English paper version. Accommodation must specify which language the student needs.

Personalized auditory notification of remaining time

Test administrator will provide a personalized auditory notification of remaining time.
Read Aloud/Human ReaderWhen only one language is applicable, this accommodation can be used to assign a read aloud form to students. The test administrator will be able to access a view of the test.

Read Aloud with Language

Choose from:

  • English
  • Spanish

Use this accommodation when there is both a Spanish and English version of read aloud. Accommodation must specify which language the student needs so they and the test administrator get the correct form.


The student’s responses are entered by a person other than the student.

Selected response speech-to-text

The student's responses to selected response items are captured by an external Speech to Text device.

Stop-the-clock Supervised BreaksStudent allowed stop-the-clock supervised breaks. Take into account if test settings include a hard or soft timer and if pause is available/enabled.

Student reads assessment aloud to self

The student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate setting.

Temporary Accommodation 

For students who have a temporary need for an accommodation (e,g,, broke arm and can't type), provide a text field to indicate details.

Time and a half

For tests without a configured hard stop, allow the student to have additional time.

Translated in Student Native Language

Local policy dictates if this refers to complete test or test directions only.

Unique accommodation

An accommodation required for a student with a disability or an English Learner that is not listed but otherwise required for the student. Provides a text field to add details. 

Word prediction

The student uses a word prediction external device that provides a bank of frequently- or recently-used words as a result of the student entering the first few letters of a word.

Word-to-word dictionary

A word-to-word dictionary is provided to the student.

Custom Accommodation Options

Like most accommodations in the Local category, these do not directly affect the test player by turning on tools. They both could be used to alert the proctor to allow or give a manual tool to a student, or to drive specific forms based on the accommodation. 



Alt Aid Support

As defined locally.

Answers recorded

The student records answers directly in the test booklet. Responses must be transcribed verbatim by a test administrator into a student answer document. Responses that have not been transcribed will not be scored.

Bilingual glossary for MSs (SupportAs defined locally.

Communication Assistive Script

As defined locally.

Directions in native language

The test administrator reads aloud, and repeats as needed, test directions in the student’s native language.

Select from:

  • Arabic
  • Cantonese
  • French
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Korean
  • Mandarin
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese
  • Yes - Use when language is not available to select or to assign students across multiple languages.

Extended time (Support)

Provide Extended Time to the student. Not compatible with online forms set up with a hard stop.

Frequent breaks (Support)

Student is allowed to take breaks, at their request, during the testing session.

Individual/Separate Setting (Support)

Student is tested in a specialized area or setting (e.g., front of the classroom; seat near the door; library, etc.). 


Student will use Kurzweil support.
Native Language Word-to-Word DictionaryStudent will use a native language word-to-word dictionary.
No AccommodationsOptionally tag students who are not assigned any accommodations.
Recorded Voice FileStudent will listen to a recorded voice file.

Small "Group" Setting (Support)

Student is tested in a separate location with a small group of students with matching accessibility features or accommodations/testing needs as appropriate.

Tiny Link: