Students can access various tools during testing. The zoom tool is available through the TestNav app, and others tools are made available during student registration. 


Students can zoom in (up to 500%) and out on a test page, depending on which TestNav app they use to test.

Accessibility Tools via Registration

After you register students and set access for accessibility tools, students may use them during their online tests. The videos below demonstrate how students interact with these tools. 

For details on configuring accessibility tool settings, see PNP Profile and Accessibility below.

Alternate Mouse Pointers

Low vision students can have alternate mouse pointers set prior to testing to help them see pointers as they navigate through the test.

In a practice test, students can select the pointer size and color on the Settings page. In a non-practice test, each student's pointer setting is configured through his or her PNP. Only one pointer setting is allowed per student, per test session. To update the pointer setting after a student has signed into a test:

  • For a practice test, the student signs out and the proctor must resume the test, which allows the student to access the Settings page, again.
  • For a non-practice test, the student signs out and his or her registration must be updated to reflect another pointer setting.

Mouse Pointer sizes and color options

Color Contrast

Students can set color contrast to view items and some TestNav elements more clearly. 

Screen Reader

Blind or visually impaired students can use a screen reader to read test content (and TestNav user interface elements) either thorough audio output or on a braille display.

Pearson currently supports NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver screen readers for use with TestNav. While other screen readers might work with TestNav, Pearson tests and confirms only NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver functionality with TestNav. 

To use NVDA or JAWS screen readers with secure tests (running in kiosk mode), an administrator for your program must add specific executable files to the allowlist within your assessment management system. See your Pearson program team for details.

American Sign Language (ASL)

Students can view a video with a person translating the item text to ASL.

Answer Masking

Students provided the option to use the Answer Masks tool can select it from the User drop-down menu. When selected, students see a mask covering multiple-choice distractors, with the option to click to expose each individually. They can turn answer masking on and off over each distractor or turn answer masking on or off on the entire question.

Line Reader Mask

Students provided the option to use the Line Reader Mask see the option in the User drop-down menu. The Line Reader Mask helps the student to focus on specific parts of the item. The student can select and drag both handles to whatever size they need to show and hide as much as the item they want to focus on, like a word, phrase, or any portion. They can also select and drag the move icon to move the window around in the mask. 

 They can change this as much as they like as they work through their test questions. To close the Line Reader Mask, the student can go back to the user dropdown and select Hide Line Reader Mask. 

Alternative Line Reader

Students provided the option to use the Line Reader can use it to highlight a row of text. They can use keyboard keys to move through the text.The student can select answers using the keyboard while using the Line Reader.​ This is an alternative to the Line Reader Mask above. It is enabled with PNP/OFS.

Text-to-Speech (TTS) 

Students provided the option for TTS can hear text read aloud by clicking the play button to the right of the item, or by selecting text within the item.

  • Pressing the play button triggers the button to turn into a stop button, and TTS continues to play, unless the student clicks the stop button.
  • Selecting text within the item triggers the button to appear. The student can click the button to play a previously designated chunk of surrounding text, but not the entire item.

Skip Passage Text for reading items...

Programs can use the SkipPassageText PNP configuration within reading assessments in which students should not hear passages read loud. See SkipPassageText in the Accommodations and PNP table below.

Items can be configured to allow for exceptions for parts of text that should be read (for example, instructional text). 

Use your speakers/headphones to hear the TTS. 

Dynamic TTS(D-TTS) provides TTS through student operating systems (OSs), but the tool functionality is the same. D-TTS provides the following options, depending on their availability in the testing device OS.

TTS by Play Button

TTS by Listen Button

Readable Mode

Students provided the option for Readable Mode can see a two-column item in a single, scrollable pane to increase their ability to concentrate on item content.

To enable Readable Mode, students can click the user dropdown and select Enable Readable Mode. They can click Disable Readable Mode to revert back to the two-column view. 

Readable Mode enabled

White Noise

Students provided the option for the White Noise tool can select one of three white noise options to help them concentrate on test content. To use the White Noise tool, students can:

  1. Click the user dropdown and select Open White NoiseThe White Noise tool displays and students can drag it around the TestNav window to their liking.
  2. Click within the tool to control it.

    2a - Click each white noise option (Waves, White Noise, or Wind) to hear them.
    2b - From left to right, select the minimize tab to hide the window, and select the X to turn off the tool. 
    2c - Select the Play/Stop button to pause and play the sound. 
    2d - Slide the volume control to adjust the volume.

No Response

Some TestNav tests are set up to require students to select an answer for each item before they can move on to the next item. Students provided accommodations, at times, require a scribe (or proctor) to sign in to a student's online test and enter that student's responses.

As a scribe enters student responses, at times, they encounter a scenario in which a student does not provide a response for every item. If provided the No Response accommodation, in this scenario, the proctor can click the user dropdown and select No Response to move forward to the next item.

A pop-up appears and the scribe must select Yes to mark the item as No Response or No to enter a response.

PNP Profile and Accessibility

The Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) profile describes a student’s testing needs and preferences in a digital environment. A student's PNP profile tells the test delivery system what the needs are for that particular student. When an administrator registers a student, the registration system passes the PNP accommodation that the student needs to successfully test in TestNav.

The PNP profile is one area of the Accessible Portable Item Protocol (APIP™) standard, which aims to make tests and test items accessible for students with a variety of disabilities and special needs.

The registration system (like PearsonAccess or Aspire) needs to implement the API calls for PNP accommodations to work. 


Accommodations alter how items are presented, allowing students with disabilities to complete the same assignments as their peers. Accommodations do not alter assignment content, give students an unfair advantage, or change what a test measures. They do make it possible for students with certain disabilities to show what they know without being impeded by their disabilities.

Accommodations and PNP

Three areas — FormRegistration, and/or TestNav Delivery — control each accommodation. The table below illustrates which area controls each, as well as details when applicable. You can also expand the following section to view current accommodations, data, and scenarios.

Third-party extensions

Note that third-party extensions also provide accommodations through PNP. TestNav supports the use of these extensions; however, extension availability is determined by the program owner.

  • Fedora does not support Co:Writer.
  • Web extensions on non-secure tests are supported only on Chrome browser.
  • Known issues with Read&Write on iOS:
    • After a tester uses Talk & Type, if another tester uses the same device without closing and relaunching the TestNav app, the Talk & Type feature will not be available because the permission to use the tester’s microphone was no presented and approved by the tester.
    • Click to Speak functionality does not work on Start/Welcome Page, terms & Conditions page, and Start/End Section Pages.

Tiny link: