Users with permissions to do so can assign accommodations and accessibility features, such as text-to-speech (TTS), to students who require them. 

See also: Student Test Tools in ADAM PlayerAccommodations ListAccommodations Form Hierarchy, Accessibility Tools and PNP Profile

Options for Assigning Accommodations

Depending on your user role, the following options are available:

Where to View Accommodations

View Accommodations for a Specific Student

Depending on your user access, you can view students and their accommodation assignments from these locations:

View Accommodated Form Count

Users who have access to Administration Cards (can easily see if accommodated forms have been assigned by the presence of the pink 'A' icon on the Administration Card. Hovering over the icon displays a count of accommodated forms and clicking on the icon navigates the user to the Students view. The Students view shows a summary bar with a total for accommodated and regular forms. Hovering over sections of the bar details the type of accommodated form assigned. Clicking on a section of the bar filters the student list for that accommodated form. A ‘View by Form Type’ filter is also available to filter the student list.

There are two ways to reach the Student view:

  • Test Management > Administrations > click pink Accommodated icon 
  • Test Management > Administrations > Students > View

Accommodated Form Count displayed on Admin Card

Tiny Link: