For step-by-step setup instructions, click the links below. You can also read further on this page for a detailed overview on installable TestNav, App Check, and saved response file (SRF) and log files.

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Installable TestNav

Browser-based TestNav

Wireless Testing Best Practices

If you're testing wirelessly, use the following best practices:

Understand App Check

You can find App Check on the TestNav Sign In page. App Check confirms that the device or computer can connect to TestNav and that it is configured to start TestNav in kiosk mode. An optional configuration identifier may be entered to validate additional TestNav configurations from the assessment management system.

See the Run App Check section on each setup page for basic step-by step instruction.

App Check does not check screen size or resolution. If a student attempts to sign in to a test on a device that does not meet support minimums, TestNav may display an error. See TestNav System Requirements for support minimums.

Understand SRF and Log Files