If you are an ADAM user assigned a Teacher role, you can open the proctor dashboard from the My Classes page.

Step-by-StepLink to Step-by-Step

  1. Log in to ADAM.
  2. If not already selected, select My Classes.
  3. Select the class that will be taking the test. ADAM displays completed and upcoming tests for the selected class.

  4. Select Administrations, and then select the test administration that you want to proctor from the list below. After the test administration is over, you can find administration-specific test results here.

  5. Select the Proctor icon on the top right to open the Proctor Dashboard for the selected class. The Proctor Dashboard opens.

Monitor and use the proctor dashboardLink to Monitor and use the proctor dashboard

The proctor dashboard provides information on the assessment as well as links to perform necessary tasks. 

 Above the progress bar: Assessment informationLink to  Above the progress bar: Assessment information

You can view information about the test, test configuration, and select an action. Click to enlarge.

Testing Information

This section includes:

  • Test - name
  • Administration - name 
  • Proctor Group - name
  • Kiosk only Does not apply.

Config Information

This section includes:

  • Test Window - for the overall assessment
  • Proctor Name
Test Code (Actions)You provide this code to students so they can log in to the test. You can select the expand arrows next to the code to view in fullscreen. Select the minimize arrows (on the expanded test code window) to return to the normal view.
Print Cards (Actions)

Select Print Cards to:

  • Print a roster and the test cards to distribute to students.
  • Open (in a second window) to view the test cards for this proctor group.

Below the progress bar: Student session listLink to Below the progress bar: Student session list

You can view, filter, and search for students in your proctor group and manage their sessions. Students that can access the test appear in the Tester column.


Student name


A unique label that identifies each student. In some cases, the student uses this identifier to log in to the test.


The progress column displays the students’ progress as one of the following: 

The proctor does not start the test from the proctor dashboard. When instructed by the proctor, students start their tests by opening ADAM on their devices, and entering their SSID and the given test code.
  • Not Started – The student has not signed in to the test.
  • In Progress – The student has signed in to the test. No action is needed by the proctor.
  • Submitted – The student has completed the test and submitted their answers.
  • Reseat – The proctor has reseated the student(s). The student has not yet signed back in to the session. No action is needed by the proctor.
Started Time

The time the student started the session. Proctors do not need to monitor this information.


Health tells the proctor if the student is interacting with the test. Health can display one of the following values: 

  • Not Started – The student has not signed in to the test. No action is needed by the proctor.
  • Submitted – The student has completed and submitted the test.
  • Exited - The student has exited TestNav, and a proctor must reseat them before they can log in to the test again.
  • Resumed – The student has resumed their test session.

The Section and Item columns show each student's progress. The item progression shows which question the student is working on or on which item they exited the test from.

Accom (Accommodations)

The number of accommodations a student has appears in this column. You can hover your pointer over the count to see the assigned accommodations.


When toggled ON, the student has access to the text-to-speech (TTS) player while testing.

Code (Accountability Code)

In the Code column, you can view any accountability code applied to the student, such as "ME" for "medically excused." Select Apply to add an accountability code for a student.

ActionsLink to Actions

After the assessment session has started, a set of buttons appears in the Actions column for each student. Proctors use these buttons to control individual student’s sessions.

Reseat Session – Proctors can select this if something interrupts a student's session. This might include a computer issue, session timeout, or an unexpected error. Reseating allows the student to re-enter their test code and SSID to continue taking their test.

Submit Session – Proctors can select this if a student finishes their test but does not submit the test before exiting the it.

Unsubmit Session – Proctors can select this if a student mistakenly submits their test.  

Tiny link: https://support.assessment.pearson.com/x/FoEpBw