The Student Dashboard, accessed by a student search function, gives users an overall dashboard holistic view of a specific student's information. This includes consolidated views for Performance, Sessions, and Demographic & Accommodations information. The dashboard allows the user to take action(s) on the information displayed, as applicable with permissions assigned. This includes printing a PDF of all performance results or viewing individual student reports.

To access the Student Dashboard for a student

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click the Student Search icon. 
    Student Search icon
  2. Enter the full or partial name of a student
  3. Students matching your request appear under the text you entered. Note: You can scroll up to see previous results grouped under search text.
    Sample student search results
  4. Click the a student to access the Student Dashboard.

Student Dashboard: Overview Section

The top section of the dashboard indicates:

  • How many classes the student is rostered to in ADAM (which may not be all enrolled classes)
  •  How many assessments the student is assigned to
  • The number of assignments in each test stage

Some users will have rights to an Edit Student button which allows changes in the Student Profile, such as an update to accommodations.

Student Dashboard: Performance View

In the default Performance View, scores for submitted tests are grouped by test program. Available score types will vary by program. There is an option to print this tab.

sample Student Dashboard  Performance View

Student Dashboard: Sessions View

Click the Sessions tab to view a list of all all test assignments and their current status. Most columns are sortable by clicking the arrows. In the Accommodations column, hover over a number to view the specific accommodations assigned to the student. Options available in the Actions menu per session depend on your user permissions, test status and site setup.

 sample Student Dashboard Sessions View

Student Dashboard: Demographics and Accommodation View

What demographics and accommodations are visible is based on what data is shared with ADAM and the user rights granted to your role.

 sample Student Dashboard Demographics and Accommodation View

Note for Site Administrators: This Student Search feature is controlled with a user role permission in Rostering called ‘Student Dashboard’.

Student Dashboard configuration

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