You can use the Tabular Match interaction to create matching items with table grids. Answer choices can be formatted, as well as include images and video.

See Author Test Items for general instruction on item creation.

  1. From the Editor tab, select Add Interaction, and then select Tabular Match.
  2. Under Choices, enter details for Rows and Columns.
  3. Enter a value in Max Match for row and column. Multi-select rows and columns appear with a square radio button. See example below.

    Rows: The Max Match value indicates how many answer choices can be selected within the row.

    Columns: The Max Match value indicates how many times an answer choice can be selected within the column.

  4. Under Settings, enter a value for Min and Max Associations. Minimum Associations is the fewest number of selections a student has to make for the item to be considered Answered versus incomplete.
  5. Under Scoring Settings, enter a value in Max Points.
  6. Under Correct Response, select the radio button(s) that indicate the correct answer(s).
  7. Select Save.

Sample Tabular Match item

Sample Tabular Match item

Tiny Link: