Authorized users can create a variety of item types in ADAM. Below are general steps to create a test item. 

See also:

To create a new item:

  1. Select Authoring, and then Items.

  2. Select the Bank where you want to create the item.

    You cannot move items between banks later. A form pulls items from only one bank, so make sure to use the appropriate bank.

  3. Click Create New.

  4. Reference the expandable sections below to configure the item. Select Save after completing each tab.

  5. Select the Save button. 

    You can use the following tabs as needed.

Select the links below for information on each item type's unique features.

Choice: Students choose one or more answers from pre-set responses.

Extended Text: Students enter text in a multi-line essay box with various formatting tools.

Math Extended Text: Students enter text in a multi-line essay box with various formatting tools and math keyboards.

Text Entry: Students enter text into stand-alone blank fields or blank fields located within text.

Hot Text: Students select one or more highlighted portions of text to give their answer(s).

Inline Choice: Students select a single text option from a dropdown menu within a table or inline text. 

Order: Students drag text or image choices into a different horizontal or vertical order.

Basic Match: Students drag image and/or text choices into labeled boxes called gaps.

Tabular Match: Students select radio buttons or check checkboxes in cells to indicate a match between the column and row labels.

Gap Match: Students drag words into one or more gaps (or cloze banks) within text or a table.

Associate: Students drag text choices into gaps connected by a line to show an association between them.

Graphic Gap Match: Students drag images to a gap (a location on a background image).

Hot Spot: Students select one or more areas called 'hot spots' on an image to give their answer.

Tiny link: