See also:  Student Experience in ADAM Player, or for TestNav users, see TestNav Tools

Many tools for accessibility and test taking best practices can be enabled for students using ADAM Player as their testing platform. 

Navigation and Informational Tools


Student Experience



Unless disable in form settings, the tutorial provides test-takers with a quick tutorial of the A&D Player. This will display automatically one time on each user machine but can be launched again from the top-right user menu.


Instruction Screen

Before students start on the first item in a section, they may see custom message or instructions.

Sample instructions screen

Create a resource of the instructions, and then attach to one or multiple sections (on the same or multiple assessments). See also: Create Instructions for a Form.

Flag Item (Bookmark)

Flag item icon

The tester can flag items they would like a reminder to revisit. Flagged items are shown on the review screens.  See also: Review

Review link

Form > Settings 

Flag Item and Show Review Screen are separate options.

Expandable Columns

Expandable Columns icon

For items organized into two column (e.g., passage and prompt), the student can minimize a column to make the other one wider. This can make it easier to view a wide table or diagram without scrolling.

Form > Settings 

Resources/Exhibits (e.g., math reference sheet)

Exhibits icon

 These will display in the ‘Exhibits’ button in the top toolbar when previewing a form. Multiple exhibits can be added, and tab names can be updated.

Exhibits icon

Add at the item level in the ‘Associated Exhibits’ area of the Properties tab.


Sample Timer display

Timer appears at the top of each screen. For students with an extended time accommodation (Double Time, Time and Half or Triple Time), the clock will automatically be adjusted.

These options are available when setting up the timer in a form:

  • Set a section level time limit in seconds
  • Indicate in how much time (in seconds) a warning should appear. Leave at zero for no warning message.
  • Timer Type: A hard warning auto-submits, while the soft warning indicates when the proctor is expected to call for students to submit.

Form Builder > Section Settings

Select Use Timer and select type


Pause button

Allows student to pause their test. 


Form > Settings

Item Instructions

Item instructions icon

Allows students to view an explain of the interaction type. Currently, this is available for hot text, associate, basic match, and gap match items.

Form > Settings

Testing Best Practices


Student Experience


Choice Eliminator

Choice Eliminator icon

Partially covers an answer choice with a gray striped screen and can be turned on and off by clicking each option choice. This setting can be used with the choice masking tool.

Screenshot of onscreen instructions for choice eliminator

Sample item with choice eliminated

Form > Settings

Choice Masking

Choice Masking icon

Covers all options with a solid screen and can be turned on and off by clicking the eyeball next to each option. Masking will change color to match any color contrast settings. This setting can be used with the choice eliminator tool.

Students with 'Answer Masking - Disable' accommodation selected will not see. 

sample item with Choice Masking applied

Form > Settings 


Notepad icon

Allows students to make reminder notes. The notepad is cleared between sections. Scorers will not see student entries. 

Screenshot of notepad

Form > Settings


highlighter icon

The tester can highlight text in the content and change the background color by setting a highlight color. This allows the tester to set highlight reminders within the content.

Sample color selector

Form > Settings 

Accessibility Tools


Student Experience


Text to Speech

Provides dynamic text to speech. Some assessments enable dynamic text-to-speech for all students, others permit only those with the accommodation assigned to use. Student can control the speed and choose the voice.

Test to Speech options

Form > Settings 


Dictionary icon

The tester can select a single word and have a dictionary entry appear to help with understanding. 

Sample dictionary entry

Form > Settings 


Define a word or words in a pop-up for all students. 

sample glossary definition

Item level feature.

See also: Include a Glossary

Font Size

Font Size icon

The tester can modify the font size of text only. This does not affect images or other design elements.

Form > Settings 

Line Reader

Line Reader icon

This tool partially grays out the entire screen except the line the tester is currently reading. This is a strategy to eliminate some "noise" by allowing the tester to focus on one line of text at a time. The tester manually moves the line reader to read new lines of text.

Sample of line reader tool

Form > Settings 

Line Reader Mask

Line Reader Mask icon

The tester can completely cover the area around the content they are currently reading. This is a strategy to eliminate all "noise" by allowing the tester to focus on one line of text at a time. The tester manually moves the line reader mask to read new lines of text and can change the mask and display window size as needed.

Line Reader Mask color chooser

Line Reader Mask tool around item text

Form > Settings


Magnifier icon

Allows the student to enlarge specific areas of the screen during a test. Once activated, users can move the tool around, enlarge the tool and change the magnification. Allowed magnification is 150% to 400% in 50% intervals. At  browser magnification higher than 200% (command +), tools are collapsed into Item Tool and Helper Tool icons, so menus are easily viewable. 

Form > Settings

Color Contrast

Color Contrast icon

The tester can modify the color palette to create either more or less contrast between the font color and background color. There are eight different color schemes to choose from. This is a strategy to make the text easier for the tester to interpret.

Color Contrast color choices picker

If enabled as an accommodation for a student, the selection will automatically be displayed with the selected color.

Mouse pointer size and color

image of alternate mouse pointers

Math Tools


Student Experience



Calculators icon

Multiple calculators may be  available to select, but only one will be displayed to the student at a time.

Calculator selector menu

There are six options to choose from (Desmos and Texas Instrument): basic, scientific, and graphing.

See also: Calculators


Protractor icon

Student can position and rotate as needed.


Can be turned on at the item or form section level and will display as a tool to the student while taking the test. Currently there is one single degree protractor option to choose from.


Ruler icon

Multiple rulers can be made available but only one can be open for the student at a time. Student can position and rotate as needed. There are six ruler options that may be enabled: millimeter, centimeter, half centimeter, half inch, quarter inch, and eighth inch.

Ruler picker menu

sample ruler

Can be turned on at the item or form section level and will display as a tool to the student while taking the test. 

Sample Testing Screen

screenshot of sample item with passage

Review and Flag Items Sample Screen

Sample review screen

Continue to next section screen


Authors can turn on calculators the item or form section level. Currently there are six options to choose from (Desmos and Texas Instrument): basic, scientific, and graphing. Multiple calculators can be made available but students can only have one calculator open at a time.

If only one kind of each is chosen the display button will remain generic (ex. Basic), however if the user chooses the same calculator from both companies, then 'TI' will be added to the button to differentiate only the Texas Instrument calculator and leave the regular Desmos label as-is. (ex. Basic and TI Basic).

Calculator selector menu

Calculator selector for students (if all six enabled).

Illustration of Texas Instruments calculators

Texas Instruments calculators (TI-84 Graphing, TI-30 Scientific, and TI-108 Basic)

Illustration of Desmos Calculators

Desmos Calculators

Note for Test Content Creators

Before creating an assessment form, consider which accommodations need to be universal for all students versus available only to specific students and whether some tools should be available on some items only. See also: Form Settings, Author Test ItemsAuthor a New Form

Tiny Link: