Designated administrators can use the Role Configuration page to create and manage user roles, such as Student, Teacher, and School Test Coordinator. In most cases Customer Support will configure roles after working with customers to determine their requirements. 

  1. Go to System > Role Config.
  2. Click the Add New Role button to a new role.
  3. For each role, define the settings described below.
  4. Optional: Select a role, and then click the Duplicate Role button to copy the role or click the Remove Role button to delete it. Click Export Role Configuration to export the settings to an Excel spreadsheet.

Important: For environments using nightly feeds to update data, settings that get updated nightly should not be editable. Any data element being uploaded should be view only. This may include users, organizations, classes, etc. 

  • Role Name: Enter a meaningful name for the role, such as School Test Coordinator.
  • Role Code: Enter a role code. This code is needed when importing admin users.
  • Role Type: Select one of six role types predefined in ADAM. Only one District Admin and one School Admin can be used (if more are needed, use Other). You can create multiple roles for Teachers, Parents, Students, and Other. The role access level can by changed on the fly to make room for additional roles later. Note that there is not a parent portal in ADAM, but parents can receive emails.
  • Role Access Level: Enter an access level from 1 to 50. Users can only view other users with an access level equal to or lower than their own access level. For example, a teacher role with access level 2 will not be able to see be able to see school administrators with an access level of 3. Users with permission to edit other users can create or edit new users with an access level equal to their own.
  • Landing Page: Select the ADAM page you want users to see after they sign in to ADAM. For example, "/landing (Landing)" for the home page. Students should start at /my_classes and teachers at /landing or /my_classes.
  • PII Access: Select whether Personally Identifiable Information (PII) will be visible to this role (this setting applies only to first and last names, not demographic information). PII access should be On if the role has permission to view or edit users in Rostering, and Off if the role does not have view or edit permission to users.
  • Permission Scope: Self or Org. Self grants the role access only to their own personal organization scope (a teacher can see only their own classes). Org means the role can see their organization and all child organizations (a district admin can see all the schools in their district). Most roles can be set to Org, but student roles should always be set to Self. Teachers can be set to Self as well; they will be able to view or edit their classes from My Classes provided they have view or edit permission to My Classes.
  • Profile: Allow the role to view or edit their personal profile. The edit permission allows the user to change their password, first name, and last name. Students should only be allowed to view their profile. Do not give edit permission to users signing in through a portal.
  • Roles: Allow the role to view or edit the Role Configuration page. Role editing should generally be limited to internal Pearson roles.
  • Help Link: Allow the role to access the Help link from the user dropdown. This link can open any URL defined in System > Client Settings. The ADAM Support URL is
  • Create Bulletins: Allow the role to view or edit bulletins on the System > Bulletin Board page. The edit permission allows the role to create, edit, or delete a bulletin. All roles selected as the audience for a bulletin will see it on the home page regardless of the setting here.
    • Send Bulletin Emails: Allow the role to send notification emails to the selected audience when creating a bulletin.

Rostering permissions can be assigned to any role but should not be given to student or parent/guardian roles.

Roster Uploads

  • Roster Uploads: Allow the role to upload rosters from the Rostering > Roster Upload page.
    • For each sub-setting, select On for the uploads the role can perform (Organizations, Classes, Users, Accommodations, etc.).

Academic Sessions

  • Academic Sessions: Allow the role to view or edit the Rostering > Academic Sessions page.
  • Orgs: Allow the role to view or edit the Rostering > Orgs page.
  • Courses: Allow the role to view or edit the Rostering > Courses page.
  • Classes: Allow the role to view or edit the Rostering > Classes page.
  • Users: Allow the role to view or edit the Rostering > Users page.

General Permissions

  • Preferred Names: Allow the role to view or edit the Preferred Names tab in the user record. Note that if preferred names exist in ADAM, they will be displayed in ADAM regardless of the setting applied here. The permission here only gives access to the fields on the Preferred names page.
  • History: Allow the role to access the History tab in the user record. This tab shows a history of changes to the user record.
  • Non-Student Information: Allow the role to view or edit non-student information. The edit permission allows the role to update or delete the non-student users, such as teachers.
  • Limit Role Assignments: Limit the current role to assigning users to only the roles selected in the Permitted Roles dropdown, which appears after selecting On. They will also not be able to reassign roles that they do not have permission for (the role will be locked).
  • Admin User Import: Allow the role to import admin users from Rostering > Admin User Import. The import is based on the org code and role code (entered at the top of the Role Configuration page).
  • Login as User: In Rostering > Users, allow the role to log in as another user from the Actions column. Only give this permission to roles that need it for testing, troubleshooting, or training. Do not give this permission to teachers or students.
  • Merge Temporary Students: Allow the role to merge temporary students in Rostering > Users. See Proctoring: Late Add and Create Temporary Student.
  • User Metadata: Allow the role to view or edit user metadata fields in User Setup. See Client Settings: User Metadata Fields for more information.
  • User Metadata Upload: Allow the role to upload user metadata fields in User Config.

Student Permissions

  • Student Information: Allow the role to view or edit the Information tab on the student record in Rostering > User Setup. The permission should be set to view for students imported from Launchpad to prevent editing their data.
  • Student Demographics: Allow the role to access the Demographics tab in User Setup. When On, for each sub-setting, allow the role to view or edit the demographic (or hide it). Only the demographics selected in Client Settings > Demographics will be visible to the role if the sub-setting is On. As a best practice, hide fields for which no data is being sent.
    • General: Sex and date of birth.
    • Race & Ethnicity: Standard Federal classifications.
    • Educational Classifications: Gifted & Talented, IEP, English Language Learner, etc.
    • Economic & Family Status: Migrant, Free Lunch, Parents in Military, etc. Only give this permission to roles that should be allowed to see this information.
    • Other: City of Birth, State of Birth, Country of Birth, Other Accommodations, Primary Exceptionality, Public School Residence Status.
  • Student Accommodations: Allow the role to view or edit the Accommodations tab in User Setup.
    • Limit Accommodations Editing: When set to On, this setting works together with the Client Settings > Accommodations "Limit Editing" checkboxes to define which accommodations cannot be edited by the role.
  • Students Parents/Guardians: Allow the role to view or edit the Parents/Guardians tab in User Setup.
  • Student Administrations: Allow the role to access the Administrations tab in User Setup. This tab lists the student's administrations.
  • Student Reporting Org: Allow a reporting organization (a district or school) to be selected for the role in User Setup. This can be used, for example, for students who attend a charter school but provide reporting to a district for funding. Multiple orgs can be selected. The school(s) of enrollment (in the Schools dropdown) cannot be selected because they already have access to reporting by default.
  • Student Dashboard: Allow user to search for a student and access the Student Dashboard from the Navigation bar. This provides a quick way to view accommodations and test assignments for a student.

User Kabob Menu

  • User Import: Allow the role to import users into ADAM from Rostering > Users.
  • Export Users: Allow the role to export ADAM users from Rostering > Users.
  • Send User Account Emails: Allow the role to send welcome email and password reset email from Rostering > Users.

Admin Requests

  • Submit Requests: Allow the role to submit student transfer requests from the Create New Request icon mceclip0.png in the banner. Lower-level roles, such as at a school, may need this permission. Or districts may manage both requests and approval.
  • Manage Requests: Allow the role to access the System > Admin Requests page to manage student transfer requests. Should be given to higher-level roles, such as at the district.
    • Approve Accommodation Requests: Allow the role to approve changes to accommodations for students that have been flagged to require approval in Client Settings > Accommodations.
    • Manage Requests Outside of Org Scope: Allow the role to approve requests from outside their organization. By default, roles can only manage requests within their organization.

Only applies to teacher and student roles..

  • My Classes (QTI): Allow the role to view or edit the My Classes area. Teacher roles should be set to View or Edit. Student roles should be set to View if you want to students to see their classes and the tests assigned to those classes in ADAM. Teachers will see My Classes in the left navigation, and students will simply see their classes listed on their home page.
  • When editing is enabled, select On for each area the role can edit, such as Class Edit and Student Edit.
  • Test Performance Report: Allow the role to access the Test Performance Report.

Only teacher roles should have access to My Tests access.

  • My Tests: Set to On for teacher roles so that they can view and schedule their tests. Students do not need access to My Tests; they can access their tests from My Classes.

QTI Authoring is used primarily as a way to make ABBI forms available in ADAM for use on tests delivered in TestNav. 

  • QTI Bank Visibility: Select the banks the role can see. Multiple banks can be selected. Banks must first be created to appear here, including TestNav banks if needed. Limit access to banks with summative items or district items to the appropriate roles.
  • QTI Bank Visibility Override: Allows the role to see all banks. When On, the QTI Bank Visibility dropdown is disabled.
  • QTI (experimental): Not used. Always hide.
  • QTI Banks: Allow the role to view or edit banks on the Authoring > Banks page.
  • QTI Items: Allow the role to view or edit test items on the Authoring > Items page.
  • QTI Media/Styles: Allow the role to view or edit stylesheets or images/PDFs on the Authoring > Media/Styles page. Multiple stylesheets can be used to give different types of questions a different look and feel.
  • QTI Shared Stimulus: Allow the role to view or edit passages on the Authoring > Shared Stimulus page.
  • QTI Forms: Allow the user to view or edit Forms on the Authoring > Forms page.
  • Authoring Self Only: Select On to limit users with this role to author only for themselves.

Test Publishing allows selected roles to publish tests to organizations so that they can create administrations. Summative customers generally do not need this functionality.

  • By Org: Allow the role to select a test and publish it to selected institutions.
  • By Test: Allow the role to select an organization and publish selected tests to it.

Page Access

  • Field Sets: Allow the role to view or edit the Test Management > Field Sets page. Field sets define how students sign in to a test. Most customers should need only one field set but may have two or three. See Creating a Field Set.
  • Program Configuration: Allow the role to view or edit the Test Management > Program Management page. Customer Support will set this up, although some customers may do this. Can be set to view for certain customer roles to see the settings. See Program Configuration.
  • Tests: Allow the role to view or edit the Test Management > Tests page. Teacher roles should have edit permission if they are allowed to create tests but should be hidden from teachers for summative customers where teachers do not create tests. Note that tests can have different levels of security that allow only certain people to view or edit them; for example, teachers might be able to create their own tests but not see district or state tests.
  • Submit Test Sessions: Allow the role to submit a test session in Session Explorer. Limit access to this as easy to accidentally click on the Proctor Dashboard for a student who is actively testing. In most cases, all unsubmitted tests will be submitted at the end of the test window. 
  • Unsubmit Test Sessions: Allow the role to unsubmit a test session in Session Explorer. Follow state and local test policy to determine setting.
  • Delete Not Started Test Sessions: Allow the role to delete test sessions that have not been started. As bast practice, leave off as not necessary.
  • Rescan Test Sessions
  • Set Session Reporting Orgs: The reporting organization field allows editing on an individual session level. The ‘Reporting Orgs’ field remains on the Rostering > Users > Student Edit > Information page. Both the Session Explorer and User Edit > Administrations page display the reporting organization(s) for each session. Additionally, the Reporting Orgs field is included in the Session Explorer export. The kebab action menu on both pages allows the user to edit the value at the individual session level, controlled by the user permission. The organization value(s) listed in the ‘Schools’ field on the Rostering > Users > Student Edit > Information page is the student's enrollment school(s). This value is automatically populated in the ‘Reporting Orgs’ field when a session is created for a student. Additionally, the value(s) in the ‘Reporting Orgs’ field is populated in the ‘Reporting Orgs’ field for each session. A user cannot manually enter the same values in these two fields in User Setup. Each new session created will use the values from this page to populate the Reporting Org for the session. Once a user has edited the Reporting Org on an individual session, it will not be updated by any rescan functionality.
  • Create Proctor Group: Allow the role to manually create proctor groups. 
  • Proctor Groups: The Hide, View, Edit, and Export permissions all allow the user to view proctor groups, remove students from proctor groups, and export/upload proctor groups via CSV file. The Export permission allows the role to use the Upload Proctor Group feature on the Proctor Groups page to create multiple groups at once.
  • Administrations: Allow the role to view or edit the Test Management > Administrations page. Edit allows creating, editing, and deleting administrations (depending on the org scope; a teacher cannot edit a district administration). This includes late adds and deletions from proctor group sessions. Roles with view or edit permission can view proctor groups regardless of the permissions selected for Proctor Groups above.
    • Form Name: The user can see the form type without this. Not needed by most users.
    • Update Accountability Codes: Allows the role to update accountability codes without requiring that they also have Edit access to Administrations.
      • Update Administrator-Only Codes: Allows the role to update accountability codes that are designated as admin-only in Client Settings.
  • Training Administrations: Allow the role to view or edit the Test Management > Training Administrations page. Training administrations can be used to teach your users about ADAM.
  • Deliveries: Always hide. No longer used.
  • Practice Tests: Allow the role to view or edit the Test Management > Practice Tests page. Practice Tests allow students to sign in with only the test code. They are usually used to familiarize students with the types of test questions and the test platform. Currently this applies only to tests delivered in ADAM. Note that Training Administrations are an alternative to Practice Tests.

Feature Rights

  • View History: Allow the role to view session history in Session Explorer.
  • Manual Admin Rescan: Allow the role to perform a manual admin rescan (via the Scan New Students option in the administration card). The scan checks to see if new students are eligible to take the test and adds them. Not used for summative tests, which have their own method for automatically scanning.
  • Disable Admins: Allow the role to disable administrations.
  • Export Admin Details: Allow the role to Export Admin Details. Roles that can view or edit administrations can have this permission. The export contains generic administration information.
  • Export Tests: Allow the role to Export Tests from the Test Management > Tests page. This permission allows the export of test details, not test content.
  • Edit TTS from Proctor Dashboard: Applies only to Dynamic Text to Speech (TTS) for ADAM tests, not TTS on TestNav tests. Allows the role to edit Dynamic TTS settings from the Proctor Dashboard for the test session only or for both the session and the student profile. When set to Read Only, a student's TTS setting can only be updated from Rostering > Users. The role does not need edit permission for users to edit TTS for both session and profile. This permission does not apply to accommodations other than Dynamic TTS on ADAM-authored tests.
  • Rescore Test: Allow the role to rescore administrations from the administration card. Only enable this setting for roles that can make the decision to rescore. Roles that cannot see test content should not be able to rescore. Rescoring may need to be done if an answer key was wrong and had to be changed. Do not use this feature with TestNav tests.
  • Instant Proctoring: Allow the role to initiate instant proctoring (start a test session on the fly).
    • Create Temporary Students: Allow the role to create temporary students on the Proctor Dashboard. See Proctoring: Late Add and Create Temporary Student.
  • Print Paper Forms: Allow the role to print paper forms from an admin card or Proctor Dashboard.
  • Rejected Tests Paper Forms: Allow the role to view or edit the Operations > Rejected Tests page.

Note: Teachers and students should not be given access to these reports.

Report Access

  • Progress Report: Select On to allow the role to view the Reporting > Progress Report.
  • Aggregate Report: Select On to allow the role to view the Reporting > Aggregate Report.
  • Performance Report: Select On to allow the role to view the Reporting > Performance Report.
  • Report Reviewer: Select On to allow the role to review Performance Reports that have been placed under review. This can be done in Program Configuration and Test Configuration.
  • New Reports: Consult your Pearson Delivery Team for assistance.
  • Student Performance Report: Select On to allow the role to view the Student Performance Report (available from the Performance Report for schools and classes).
  • Class Performance Report: When eligibility criteria is used to create administrations, users can view class-based results. When the report is turned on, users have an option in the action menu to navigate to the report. The Class Performance report shows all classes that have students with results for the selected test. This report is controlled with a user role permission in Reporting called ‘Class Performance Report’.
  • Teacher Performance Report: Enable to support the display of results by  teacher.
  • Activity Report: Select On to allow the role to view the Reporting > Activity Report.
    • Export By Section QTI: Select On for this option appear in the Export dropdown.
    • Export By Section Learnosity: NA. Always leave Off.
  • Test Assignments: Select On to allow the role to view the Operations > Test Assignments page. You can use this page to search for students who are assigned (or not assigned) to a test.
  • Session Explorer: Select On to allow the Role to view the Session Explorer page, where users can search for student test sessions by student name, test name, test program, etc.
    • Session Explorer History
    • Session Explorer Export
    • Session Explorer Section Export (Applies to TestNav delivered assessments only; see also: Session Explorer Sections Report)
  • Report Assets: Select On to allow the role to view the Report Assets page, where you can find and download reports or other PDFs published to you. This area may be used to store external/legacy reports from previous years. Leave off if no reports loaded.
    • Upload Report Assets

Reporting Functions

  • Export Administration Results: Allow the role to Export the test, Export by Question, or Export with Trait Scores (from the administration card for completed administrations) to an Excel file.
  • Export Delivery Results: Allow the role to Export the test, Export by Question, or Export with Trait Scores (from the Delivery card for completed deliveries) to an Excel file.
  • Download Bulk ISR: Select On to allow user to download multiple Individual Student Reports at a time.
  • Edit Program Objectives: See also: Program Configuration

Provide permissions to roles that will order paper test materials.

  • Distributions Config: Allow the role to view or edit the Distributions Config page.
  • Manage Orders: Allow the role to view, edit, or approve orders of paper tests on the Manage Orders page.
  • Shipping Tracking: Allow the role to track order shipments.
  • Order Reports: Allow the role to order reports.
  • Initiate Pre-ID: Allow the role to initiate Pre-ID.

Tiny link: